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Looking to Join our Seasonal Whole Food Detox?
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Food is such an important part of our lives, it’s silly to participate in a detox that leaves you feeling hungry and unsatisfied. That’s one of the ways the 5-Day Detox is different – we’re going to eat REAL FOOD!
Daisy is a Southern powerhouse on a mission to make plant-based living exciting, delicious, and totally doable. As the queen of mushrooms and a certified nutrition coach, she blends her expertise in horticulture with a knack for whipping up creative, life-changing advice. Based in Louisiana, Daisy has spent over 35 years charming customers and transforming lives, helping women—especially those navigating menopause—find health and happiness through plant-based eating. Whether she’s running her mushroom farm, teaching mindful nutrition, or sharing quirky, relatable tips, Daisy brings a down-to-earth approach that proves healthy living can be flavorful, fun, and fabulously empowering.
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